Our Story

In 2004 God started drawing people to Sutton from across SW London with a desire to plant a church rooted in the Word and the Spirit of God. Originally called Sutton Family Church, we grew in number and, in 2015, moved from meeting at Sutton Grammar School to our own building, Highfield Hall, right in the centre of the borough. This building has become a real hub for the community, hosting many daytime and evening groups.

In 2016 we were renamed River Church Sutton. This was to reflect a deepening sense of who God was calling us to be, and in response to several prophetic words over us. God clearly spoke to us about being the River of God’s Spirit overflowing into our borough; bringing life, hope and healing to the nations.

We have always believed the best way to reach new communities with the gospel is to plant new churches. So, at the start of 2021, in the middle of the global pandemic, we planted Gateway Church in Epsom.

We’d love you to be part of our story as we see God’s kingdom come in Sutton and beyond.